We have finally finished filming for our final task. Now, we are ready to edit and put it all together. However, we were not able to meet up due to certain reasons. Even though we couldn’t get together, we still tried to do a little on our own. I decided that I should go through all the footage before meeting up. I wanted to go through everything and see which ones I thought were the best clips. While I was filming the scenes, I had favorited some that I thought were the best. However, I filmed on my group members phone so I don’t know which ones I favorited. We had airdropped all the footage to each other so that we all had the clips. So, this is why I had to go through all the footage again and choose which ones I thought were the best.
I thought that looking through the footage in chronological order of our film would be best. I started off looking at the footage from the house scenes. Choosing the best one from this scene didn’t take too long since the clips were pretty short. Then, I looked over the trunk scenes. I thought all of these scenes looked pretty good so I just picked the one I thought the actor did better in. Next, I watched the park scenes. This was pretty easy but it just took a little longer. This is because I took more takes of these scenes than the house and trunk ones. After the park scenes, I looked at the scenes at our friend Aaron’s house. Picking these scenes was pretty easy since he acted really good in all of them. Lastly I looked at the alley scenes which took the most time. These scenes were the longest and had the most takes. I’m so excited to start editing with my group!
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