Now that we have finished filming, we are ready to start editing. Before we could start editing the actual music video, we had to pick the best footage. My group and I decided that we would meet up at my group member Leo’s house. Before I got there, I thought about how our “story” in the music video could go. Once I got to my group member Leo’s house, we waiting for Madeline to get there. While Leo and I waited, we talked about what footage we thought was the best. We went through every clip we took, and favorited them. Once Madeline got to his house, we looked over the footage that Leo and I picked. When we showed Madeline, she agreed with the clips that Leo and I chose. Now that we all agreed on the footage we were going to use, we were ready to start editing.
We decided that we would edit on iMovie since we could get easy access to it. We edited on Madeline’s laptop because she has iMovie on her MacBook. The first thing my group members and I had to do was get the the footage onto the computer. We filmed on Leo’s phone, which is why we had to get it onto the computer to edit. I imported all of our footage onto Madeline’s laptop. Then, my group members and I picked out all the scenes we decided were the best. All the clips were then put onto the track. I told Leo when to put each clip in, to make sure it was in the correct order. I used our storyboard as a guide to make sure the scenes got put where they were supposed to go. Then we trimmed down the clips to make it the correct length.
Our music video had to be a minute and five seconds, to a minute and fifteen seconds long. Our video ended up being a minute and thirteen seconds, which was the required length. Once the video clips were trimmed the correct length, we removed the audio. Then the song was inserted into the footage. We had to edit the clips a little to make sure the lyrics of the song went with the correct scenes. Our music video was now finished, and we were done with the editing process. Since we have edited before, editing was easier this time. My group members and I were able to edit more efficiently. It was also a lot quicker this time since we knew how to use the software. It was so much fun getting to edit and watch our music video come together!